Virgin Coconut Oil in a Nutshell
Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is a functional food: beyond nutrition it provides therapeutic effects to the body. Its active ingredients, Medium Chain Triglycerides and Myristin, which are converted inside the body into Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA): Lauric, Capric, Capryllic, and Caproic, and their Mono-triglyceride form: Monolaurin, Monocaprin, Monocapryllin, and Monocaproin; and Myristic Acid, comprising about 85% of the fatty acids in VCO.
These active ingredients provide several health benefits, some of which are:
Helps Reduce Weight
Supports your Immune system
Keeps your Skin Healthy
Battles Infections
Helps keep Diabetes in Check.
You can also view 5 Coconut Oil Benefits You Didn't Know It Can Do and the VCO User Guide: Home Remedies to see how coconut oil can help you and your loved ones stay happy and healthy the natural way.